I love doing self portraits. I try to learn about myself. I use it as a form of self-examination. My favorite painter Van Gogh painted many self-portraits.
24"w x 36”h
Price $850.00
A very expressive piece which uses loose, bold, and painterly brushwork with minimal amount of detail.
Value $450.00
We all have a light side and a dark side. I wanted to explore this about myself in this painting. This was one of my mid-career works in which I introduced words in the composition.
Value: $650.00
A psychological, expressionistic portrayal of myself. A lot of bright colors, words, and collage.
Value: $650.00
Bright with expressive color and filled with spiritual imagery this piece ends my days of prayer, and meditation.
18”w x 24"h
Value $450.00
This is my very simplistic and primitive expression of God Creating souls.
18"w X 24"h
Value: $450.00
A black & white under painting this piece is about not giving up, rather resting. Finished piece has red, green, and flesh colored glazes. Based upon a figure drawing.
14"w x 191"h
Value $ 450.00
Oil Painting
Oil painting, Burlington Country Preserved Farmland
I consider this to be one of my best paintings. I like the different textures I captured through the layering of the paint. The largeness of my pieces, gives the feeling of fall, and the mystery of the season.
34"w x 52"h
Value: $2,500
34"w x 52"h
Value: $2,500
I love the still-life genre. You can learn so much by doing them. In these later paintings I use of color, and thick paint. I donated this piece to the Alice Paul Foundation, in Mt. Laurel so they could include it in an auction.
18”w x 24"h
Value: $650.00
2nd Place Prize at Robert Ransley Juried Show,
Burlington County Art Guild
18”w x 24"h
Value: $650.00
This is a still life made up of mh Grandfather's wooden boxes and shelves, peacock feather, geode, and a post card. Combines both bright colors, and dark browns.
18"w x 24"h
Price $650.00
All rights reserved.
I love to read. I have worked with books for 19 years. Van Gogh who painted books many times influenced me.
22"w x 34"h
Price $1,000.00
All rights reserved.
22"w x 34"h
I painted this piece as a demonstration at Moor Arts Show. I donated my time. This was completed in three hours. I like making quick studies.
Not available for sale I donated the piece to the Vine Community in Merchantville,NJ.
12"w x 16"h
Worth $350.00
12"w x 16"h
I love painting old objects, and these shoes have alot of character. They were my brother Joe's old work boots. He works very hard as Dockworker. Also another nod to Van Gogh: he painted work boots too.
Joe's Work Boots-18"w x 24"h
Price $650.00
18"w x 24"h
This piece is about loss. Loss of a friend: Mr. Brown, loss of a place The Beetle Lab in Moorestown which burned down. I used to play there when I was a child.
Value: $850.00
Value: $850.00
This is a tribute to two Asian friends. This piece is loosely painted. I gave the piece to a teacher of Art to special needs adults as a thank you for allowing me to assist teaching the class while I was in transition.
Value: $650.00
Value: $650.00
Still life of an arrangement of bird nests. Again an influence of Van Gogh - He painted many bird nests.
12"w x 16"h
Value: $650.00
Value: $650.00
A still life built around the focus of a teacup, which I pay homage to my former girlfriend, Jungwhon.
16"w x 22"h
Value: $650.00
16"w x 22"h
Value: $650.00
This still life expresses roses with minimum uses of brushstrokes and thick paint and bold color.
16"w X 20"h
Value: $650.00
16"w X 20"h
Value: $650.00
Using various wine bottles as a still life for a study of painting glass objects, using loose, expressionistic, and colorful brush strokes.
22"w X 28"h
Value $750.00
22"w X 28"h
Value $750.00
Painted from my imagination and memory from movies of Jesus raising from the tomb at Lazarus.
18"w x 24"h
Value: $650.00
18"w x 24"h
Value: $650.00